Universität Bonn

IRTG - Integrated Research Training Group “DyNACo”

With its overarching research question “What are the molecular principles underlying the dynamics and function of nucleic acid complexes on different time- and length-scales?”, DyNACo addresses a highly interdisciplinary research topic and joins under this umbrella scientists from Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Biology all the way up to Biomedical Sciences. Intending multidisciplinary research, DyNACo’s PIs strive to train the next generation of scientists in this area, to equip them with the required skills, and to enable them to effectively communicate with each other across disciplines. We will therefore organize an IRTG “DyNACo” to support the scientific maturing and the career of PhD students. The IRTG will support its PhD students in completing their PhD theses within the usual time for a Chemistry PhD, i.e., 3-4 years. A metric for the success of the IRTG will be that the students achieve this and how quickly they find employment after their PhD. We anticipate achieving this by the following measures: Dual Supervision, Colloquia, PhD Exchange, Summer Schools, Conference Support, Thesis Award, Career Advising, Soft-Skill Training, and Recruitment initiatives.

© DyNACo

Figure 1: The tools of the Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) “DyNACo”.

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